Managing Change

I regularly coach managers who are implementing change. While the change and the organisations vary there is a running theme regarding the difficulties of managing change. This is an experience that is common for those managing change but it can sometimes feel like a unique experience and be comforting to know this isn't unusual. If you are new to managing change the two below messages are helpful to keep in mind:

1. Change is tough on organisations and staff – it is important to spend a significant time planning and delivering communications to support staff - one email to all staff just won’t cut it! The time spent on this is often a lot more time than managers consider at the start of a change programme but it is much better to be proactive on communications than reactive, and doing this will give you rewards. There is a lot of evidence that investing in communications and engagement will increase your chances of sustainable and successful change.

2. Change is also tough on leaders of change – leaders of change are often surprised how tough delivering the change can be on themselves. This is normal, be kind to yourself and recognise you are also impacted by the change and that it can be draining to be the person constantly positive about the change, supporting others and absorbing negative feedback.
